Quality Heating and Air Conditioning Service in The Triangle.
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Blog - Oakes AC Services

Bobby’s HVAC Blog.

Posts tagged Thermostat
Common Reasons Your AC Might Not Be Working

In the hot summer months, a malfunctioning air conditioning system can make your home or office uncomfortable. As an AC owner, it's essential to know the common reasons your AC might not be working and how to troubleshoot the issue. Don't let a malfunctioning AC ruin your summer. Learn the common causes of AC problems and how to troubleshoot them with these tips.

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My AC Won’t Turn On! What To Do?

When your AC won’t turn on, there are several things you can do to troubleshoot the problem. Check the power supply, thermostat, air filter, and condenser unit, and if all else fails, call in the professionals. Remember, regular maintenance of your AC unit is crucial to keeping it running efficiently and preventing breakdowns.

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