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6 Facts About HVAC UV Lights

HVAC UV lights are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to improve indoor air quality and prevent the spread of airborne viruses and bacteria. These lights are designed to kill harmful microorganisms that can circulate through a building’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Here are some facts about HVAC UV lights that you should know.

1.) HVAC UV Lights Are Effective At Killing Microorganisms

UV lights work by emitting a type of ultraviolet radiation called UV-C, which is effective at killing viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms. When installed in an HVAC system, these lights can help prevent the spread of airborne pathogens, making the air in a building safer to breathe.

2.) HVAC UV Lights Come In Different Types And Sizes

There are many different types and sizes of HVAC UV lights available, each designed for a specific purpose. Some lights are designed to be installed in the HVAC ductwork, while others can be installed directly inside the air handler. Some lights emit continuous UV-C radiation, while others are designed to emit short bursts of radiation at specific intervals.

3.) HVAC UV Lights Require Regular Maintenance

Like any other component of an HVAC system, UV lights require regular maintenance to ensure they are working properly. This includes replacing the bulbs regularly, cleaning the light fixtures, and checking for any signs of wear or damage. Neglecting to maintain UV lights can result in reduced effectiveness and potentially even harm to the system.

4.) HVAC UV Lights Can Be A Useful Addition To Other Air Filtration Measures

While HVAC UV lights can be effective at killing microorganisms, they should not be relied upon as the sole method of air filtration. In addition to UV lights, it’s important to use high-quality air filters and to ensure that the HVAC system is properly maintained and cleaned regularly.

5.) HVAC UV Lights Can Be Beneficial For People With Allergies Or Respiratory Conditions

For people with allergies or respiratory conditions like asthma, HVAC UV lights can be a helpful addition to their home or workplace. By eliminating airborne pathogens and allergens, these lights can help reduce the risk of asthma attacks and other respiratory symptoms.

HVAC UV lights are an effective way to improve indoor air quality and reduce the spread of airborne pathogens. By understanding the different types of UV lights available, the importance of regular maintenance, and the need for other air filtration measures, you can make an informed decision about whether HVAC UV lights are right for you.

6.) Whole Home HEPA Filters Can Improve The Efficiency Of UV Lights

With an HVAC UV light system installed, you may also want to utilize a HEPA filter, which is used to trap large particulates that have the potential to shield microorganisms from the UV light. These large particulates keep the UV light from working efficiently and not cleaning the air by essentially protecting those harmful bacteria from being exposed to the UV light. A HEPA filter is a great choice for supporting the work of the UV light.

Keep in mind that there must be certain conditions met during installation for the UV light to be effective. This means that a professional and experienced HVAC technician is needed to complete your installation.

By hiring an expert like Oakes AC Services, you can have a UV light installed in your HVAC system to rid your air of the molds, viruses, and bacteria that can cause you harm. Give us a call today at 919-368-8824 or at www.oakesacservices.com.  Serving the areas of North Raleigh, Wake Forest, Rolesville, Youngsville, Franklinton, Wendell, Zebulon and surrounding areas.